Affordable Care Act

  • Entrusted to Former Microsoft Office President

    It looks like might finally be getting the overhaul it needs. Former president of Microsoft office, Kurt DelBene has been placed at the helm of the national health insurance

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Tax Attorney Joe Garza: “Weak Asset Protection Is Costing Families a Fortune”

By Patrick O’Neill Few would disagree that preemptive asset protection is a necessary financial strategy that needs to be addressed if you would like to safely transfer assets to your

News & Politics

IRS Launches Largest Privacy Violation in History

Next time you start to stress over tax forms, keep this in mind: U.S. citizens living overseas have to deal with 667 pages of IRS forms plus 7,332 pages of instructions in order to pay taxes in a

Finance & Real Estate

IRS Launches Largest Privacy Violation in History

Next time you start to stress over tax forms, keep this in mind: U.S. citizens living overseas have to deal with 667 pages of IRS forms plus 7,332 pages of instructions in order to pay taxes in a


Facebook Making Users Depressed, Study Suggests

Non-Users, Rejoice! Finally, those who have long resisted the Facebook phenomena can either enjoy a sigh of relief or a smug sense of supremacy over their social-media-obsessed peers: new


Revolutionizing Advertising with Generative AI and Machine Learning

In the fast-paced world of advertising, staying ahead of the competition requires constant innovation. One advertising agency based in Dallas, Texas, that has been at the forefront of

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USA, UAE Breaks Up Illegal Iran Finance Operation

An illegal network funneling funds to Iran was in place until the United States, partnering with the United Arab Emirates, recently broke it up. Washington is restricting Iranian trade and access

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Health Care Companies Benefit From Tax Cut Package

Health care companies are going to rake in a lot of extra money thanks to savings from the Republican tax cut package. But, unfortunately, patients won’t. Even though one could expect a lower

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Garza Harris – Three Tax Credits To Save You Money

Joe Garza of Garza & Harris, a prestigious tax law firm in Dallas, Texas goes over three tax credits that almost anyone can take advantage of. 1. Earned income tax credits The earned income

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